Signing on….

Tomorrow my son has an appointment at the job center…..

When we returned from our holiday he went to work to discover they had decided to let him go, so was sent home with a weeks wages.

Naturally I was very upset as I know its going to be very hard for him to find another job.

Once again I thought please can this family just have a few months where nothing goes wrong….

Typically, being young and naive he said don’t worry I will soon find another job.

Three weeks later no job and now no money,I think he’s beginning to realize its not going to be that easy.

He was doing so well with his driving, passing his theory first time,but now its all come to a stand still.

One thing that has not suffered is his fitness as he now has more time to spend down the gym πŸ™‚

As for me well I sit and hope,trying not to stress out about the whole thing.

Keep smiling… that’s my motto !!

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5 thoughts on “Signing on….

  1. jmb

    I hope things work out for him and he gets a job soon. Poor Mum is always the one to do the worrying while the young go blithely along assuming the best. Lots of change in your life lately.

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