Nut Roast…..

Just before Christmas I was having a bit of a panic as I could notnut loaf find my special nut roast recipe.

After much searching I gave up looking and decided to use another one that had been recommended to me.

As it is a weight watchers recipe I was unsure about how good the results would be.

I made it on Christmas eve ready to warm up the following day and I am glad to say the results were good.

So good that I was asked to make it again for A new years party we were going too.

The recipe can be found here.

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3 thoughts on “Nut Roast…..

  1. Caroline

    I can confirm that the Nut Roast was delicious – there wasn’t a scrap left on the plate after mid-night.

    Can’t believe it was a ‘diet’ recipe.

  2. Pingback: Diet » Nut Roast…..

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