Day 6 Hotel Castel di vergio to Refuge de Manganu

Friday 22/06/07

An early start after a much better sleep in the tent. GR20 135

while packing the tent away the guy next to us told us that a fox had come into the camp site and had spent ages sniffing round our tent… all I can say is that I was glad I was asleep by then !

We had a good breakfast at 6am and was on our way by 6.30am

It was a much cooler day today which was nice after the heat of yesterday.

It was almost like aGR20 127 normal days walking, with little rocks and hardly any ascent or decent, so you could stride out for a change.

At times it felt like being in cowboy country as there was a lot of horse riders about who galloped past with no care for any walkers.

We also had a nice stretch along the Lac du Ninu.

We saw some fantastic trees too that had been molded by the wind.

It was a very easy days walking taking us 6 hours to reach refuge de manganu.

While at the refuge a group of horse riders turned up making a great sight.

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